The Void
Nick Rodger's Sci Chillout Series
Appears in 23 Episodes

'In Conversation With' Nick Rodger | The Void
Music for Lonely Places & Distant SpacesWelcome back to In Conversation With, the podcast that takes you inside the UK underground House and electronic music scene. Af...

The Void January 2025 with guest Nathan Jones
Special guest Nathan Jones takes over Nick's The Void show to kick the new year off in style. Head to your favourite outdoor space, pop earphones in and hit play. Trac...

The Void December 2024
The final episode of The Void for 2024 - enjoy! Keep an eye out for January's show which is an exclusive Void set from Nathan Jones.Tracklist:1. Nuron and Fugue - D12....

The Void Novermber 2024
Welcome to November's The Void. Music for Lonely Places and Distant Spaces.Tracklisting:1. Influx - LL2 (Faded Mix)2. Shore Lights - Ancient Lights pt13. Shore Lights ...

The Void - October 2024 with Nick Rodger
Welcome to The Void October 2024. Music for lonely places and distant spaces.Track listing:Innesti - LL1 (Adrift)Hannu Karjalainen - Derek HarmanJohn Beltran - I Must ...

The Void - Autumn 2024 with Nick Rodger
Welcome to The Void, music for lonely places and distant spaces.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum.Tracklis...

The Void Summer 2024 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to the The Void, music for lonely places and distant spaces.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum...

The Void April 2024 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to the The Void, music for lonely places and distant spaces.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum...

The Void March 2024 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to the The Void, music for lonely places and distant spaces.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum...

The Void February 2024 with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to the The Void, music for lonely places and distant spaces.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum...

The Void Track of the Week - Sean Dixon - Our Love For Music (Innate)
Nick Rodger's track of the week comes from Innate Recordings second EP, released in 2019.Sean Dixon - Our Love For Music (Innate 002)

The Void January 2024 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome to the first episode of The Void in 2024.We continue our journey through the stars, exploring auditory signals from across the spectrum.Tracklist:36 - DistantS...

The Void 011 - with Nick Rodger
Athena system log 21112023.374 - Crew Quarters - Vital Systems Malfunction - Initiate Back Up Protocol...Crew 'nickrodger' Cryosleep Environment: errorHost Vital Signs...

The Void 010 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to The Void. .System Log entry - 010.1"Repairs to the hydrogen reactors and their auxiliary systems where successful. Our mission continues. We find ourse...

The Void 009 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome back to The Void.For an unspecified period, we remained in Planet43's atmosphere, unable to excape the intense gravitational pull. A small away team discovered...

The Void 008 - with Nick Rodger
Reviving a guest mix from the end of 2021, here is one of Nick's all time favourite personal mixes. Channelling the seminal Northern Exposure, but stepping out into th...

The Void 007 Descent to Plan(e)t43 - with Nick Rodger
Welcome to The Void. Music for lonely places and distant spaces."With the Athena undergoing continued repairs to one of her primary solar sail hydrogen reactors, we've...

The Void 006 - with Nick Rodger
The Void mission log 006. We're in a steady course around "planet B", one of 2 known Super-Earth size planets that orbit the red dwarf star Lacaille 9352 a mere 10.7 l...

The Void 005 - with Nick Rodger
May has been and gone on planet Earth. Earth's summer season is upon us. With each clear evening, we continue to gaze upward, out into space.We're on the 5th leg of ou...

The Void 004 - with Nick Rodger
We're at the end of April already. As the sun starts to make it's presence felt and the days start to warm up, we continue to gaze out into space.Out beyond our own un...

The Void 003 - with Nick Rodger
Music for lonely places and distant spaces. Welcome to The Void, our monthly alternative electronic show with Nick Rodger. Focussing on electronic sounds not necessari...

The Void 002 - with Nick Rodger
Music for lonely places and distant spaces. Welcome to The Void, our monthly alternative electronic show with Nick Rodger. Focussing on electronic sounds not necessari...

The Void 001 - with Nick Rodger
The Void. Music for lonely places and distant spaces.
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